It's that blossom-y time of year!
My Favourite Photography Season
I cannot stop photographing flowers, no matter how many cherry blossoms I’ve captured, I always want more. For me, I think taking pictures is a way of cherishing this precious and very fleeting moment in the year. I hope you find their beauty inspiring and joyful.
Tree branches covered in pale pink flowers and dark red leaves against a blue sky.
Spindly branches reach up into a cloudy blue sky, with pink blooms and shiny red leaves waving in the breeze.
Closeup of tree blooms in shades of pink.
Bright shadows on pale pink blossoms on a branch alternating with dark red shiny leaves.
A delicate branch of white blossoms in front of a red fence.
A dreamy view of white blossoms fading into a bright background.
Tiny white blossoms and new green leaves on skinny branches.
White blossoms on a slim branch have a low-contrast look with a green-yellow background.
Side view of a dramatic white magnolia flower, with slender petals and a butter yellow centre.
Closeup of the centre of a bright white magnolia bloom with strong shadows.
A hazy very close view of the centre of a white magnolia flower.
New branches in front of a deep blue sky are covered in wild white magnolia flowers and fuzzy little buds.
This is just the beginning of flower season. After trees come early wildflowers and then the explosion of May wildflowers. Watch this space for all of that and don’t forget to get outside to appreciate the blooming (assuming this season isn’t horrible for your allergies!)