Camas celebration!
It’s peak camas season here in Victoria and I had a spectacular hike through a Garry oak meadow-lined trail this weekend. I could have stayed so much longer and choosing photos was extremely hard, but here are some of my favourite views of something I truly love about Victoria.
Because the camas was so perfect, I opted to pretty much ignore everything else and only focus on camas. But you can see that spring gold and seablush were blooming at the same time. In more wooded areas, there were a few trillium and some violets left too.
Every year I try to take in this season and every year I end up going out at different times. I think last year I saw more fawn lilies, but this spring it’s camas.
Some small number of camas come up white. Same flower, just a different colour. There are look-alikes that are not camas, but are also white. You may have heard that camas bulbs were a food staple here before European colonization, but you shouldn’t try it because the look-alike is not something you’d like to accidentally eat.
Wherever you are, I hope you can enjoy some flowers! Maybe stop and look for them when you’re out.
If you liked these photos, you can also follow me on my nature Instagram account @AndreaRangelOutside.