Just Nodding Onion Flowers
Closeup of a cluster of pink nodding onion flowers, some of them blooming, and some still buds.
The nodding onions in our gardened bloomed with impressive enthusiasm this year and I’ve had so much fun watching the bees visit nearly constantly. I’ve taken so many photos of these nodding onions because they’re just so cheerful and pretty, so I decided they deserved an entire blog post. Hope you enjoy these summer blossoms and their bee friends!
A honey bee flies towards a pink nodding onion flower cluster. Its wings are in motion and its legs hang down, weighted with pollen.
A honey bee hangs upside down from a cluster of pink nodding onion flowers. The bottom of its yellow and black striped abdomen is visible.
Closeup of a nodding onion cluster before blooming. It’s encased in a papery cover and looks like an alien is about to emerge.
Clusters of pink nodding onion buds just after they’ve burst out of their papery covers. The stems are bent over.
The stages of growth are all pretty magical. Before they bloom, nodding onion flower clusters are contained in this transparent, papery cover that looks completely alien and, in my opinion, a bit creepy. But very cool! And as they grow, they break the cover open so that the remains cling to the top of the cluster. I adore the gradient colours of the buds.
A bee hangs vertically on a cluster of pink nodding onion flowers.
Pink nodding onions in various stages of blooming against a dappled sunny background.
A blooming cluster of pink nodding onion flowers against a dappled blue sky.
When they whole cluster is blooming, they spread out in this excited fireworks vibe that’s so delightful.
An exuberant blooming cluster of pink nodding onion flowers.
A bee hangs from a nodding onion flower cluster while a red lady beetle sits on top of the stem of the cluster.
A cluster of nodding onion flowers with the petals beginning to dry and fade, while the green centres bulge.
And even as the flowers begin to fade, they’re dramatic. I’m hoping that those burgeoning green centres grow seeds so we have even more nodding onions next year!
If you like these images, you can follow my nature photography on Instagram.