Seaside Joy
Looking out to crashing waves of the ocean past a rocky beach. The sky has wispy clouds along the horizon.
The days are starting to get longer around here and I love getting out to the seaside even if it is still chilly. I visited Jordan River last weekend and looking down there were so many tiny colourful treasures. And of course the view out to the horizon isn’t bad either.
A bright orange whelk next to a more camouflaged one.
Closeup of loose Ahnfelt’s seaweed with deep purple branches.
I’ve been taking a photography class and practicing all the time. Now to take more pictures of people!
A cormorant perches on a black rock jutting out of crashing ocean waves.
I’m anticipating a really magical springtime and I can’t wait to take tons of flower photos when everything starts to bloom! For now I’m appreciative to live so close to the water.
Waves crash along a rocky coastline with tree-covered hills and dark clouds in the background.
If you like my nature photography, you can always see more of it over on Instagram - I have a special nature photography feed @andrearangeloutside.