Take a walk with me
Some Things I noticed
Sometimes I like to take walks just to be outside and breathe. But even when I don’t have my camera on me, I’m always looking at what’s around and and thinking about what could be a good photo. How can I turn what I see into art? Having this perspective helps me slow down and notice what’s around me because it’s often the little details that I like to photograph the most. Here are some things I noticed recently when I did have my camera with me.
A dogwood tree is bursting with white blooms dotted with green leaves.
Bright red maple keys hang like ornaments from dark maroon leaves.
A marshy lakeshore with reeds, lily pads, and bright yellow water lilies.
Closeup of a the inside of a yellow water lily, which is full of fascinating patterns and textures, along with lots of tiny flies.
Straight-on view of a pale pink wild rose with a soft yellow centre in front of dark greenery.
A white crowned sparrow is singing loudly while perched on a dead, thorny rose bush.
Closeup of woolly sunflower buds just as tiny yellow petals are starting to emerge from the top.
A male California quail is walking along a dusty trail, his head feather bobbing.
An orange and black painted lady butterfly on rocky ground with their wings partially open.
Closeup of an intensely purple camas flower with the petals blurred and the bright yellow anthers in sharp focus.
A winding path through a blooming Garry oak meadow. Purple camas and pink seablush flowers fill the grassy area. between the oak trees.
What are you noticing?
Even if you live in a really urban area and you don’t have your own garden, maybe your neighbours’ gardens are blooming right now! I love seeing the results of natural processes and the effort of gardeners coming together at this time of year.