Look at this wildlife!
Muddy muck boots sticking out on a rocky beach and the ocean.
Last weekend we got really fortunate and saw some amazing wildlife at the beach! We saw river otters, bald eagles, oyster catchers, seals, and seagulls. And I got some pictures! So enjoy them with me and tell me your favourite wildlife encounter in the comments.
These otters were swimming around the rocks, sharing a fish, grooming each other, and looking adorable. Eventually they came up onto the beach ahead of us and disappeared into the woods. When they were gone, we went and looked at their tracks, which was so cool! There was also some rub marks where they’d rolled around on the beach.
A river otter peeks its head over a boulder as a bunch of other otters play in the ocean.
Profile view of a river otter standing on a boulder looking at the camera with its tail extended.
Just the tail of a river otter after it dove into the ocean. It’s surrounded by floating bull kelp in the ocean with mountains in the background.
Five river otters troop up the beach away from the ocean towards the forest. The last one in line is carrying a fish in its mouth.
There were also a bunch of bald eagles flying around the beach. We actually saw one grab a seagull from the ocean and fly away to eat it. Another eagle followed it around like it expected to get a bit. It was too far away to really get a good picture, but it was something we’d never seen before and it was so amazing!
Happily one eagle came and landed on the same rock where the otters had just been. I think it was considering trying to steal their fish.
A bald eagle soars in a cloudy sky above a line of mountains.
A bald eagle has just landed on a mossy boulder, so its wings are back, but not flush against its body.
A bald eagle has its wings and talons extended as it’s about to land on a mossy boulder in the ocean.
A bald eagle stands majestically on a boulder with its head turned to look behind it. A seagull soars in the background.
This is the closest I got to getting a photo of the eagle with the seagull and the one bothering it. It looked like the gull was pretty heavy, so the eagle is trying to drag it up. It’s on the water to the right of two boulders. Another eagle soars above the water to the right of the first eagle.
And the other picture here is just a cute little lone oyster catcher digging in the rocks.
An ocean scene with eagles visible over the water, layered mountains, and a cloudy sky.
An oyster catcher is walking on a rocky beach in front of the ocean.
I didn’t take many closeup images because the wildlife was taking most of my attention, but I couldn’t not photograph this perfect lichen and this very fancy limpet.
Bright yellow textured lichen on a dark grey boulder.
A striped limpet stuck to a boulder in a crevice.