Winter in Victoria
We got a bunch of snow over the holidays and it mostly kept me indoors because it was difficult to get anywhere. But I did manage to grab a few fun wintery photos on my balcony and after the snow had melted a bit, so here’s a little bit of my experience.
I’d never seen killdeer so far away from the water, but a bunch were just hanging out in a snow bank.
A killdeer walking in the snow. Little tufts of grass are peeking out on the ground.
A bottlebrush tree’s branches and leaves are filled with snow like they’re a snow cone.
Closeup of a cedar frond with fluffy snowflakes accumulating on it
I always try to enjoy the seasonal changes that I can see from my balcony. It’s so different to see these plants all covered in snow!
The top of a tree is covered with snow in front of an icy blue sky.
Three northern pintails are soaring in front of bare branches with their wings outstretched.
Probably the most exciting moment of our one outing over the break were these otters playing around a pond. They were rolling around in the snow and grooming each other and being generally adorable.
Two otters are playing in the snow, partly obscured by reedy plants.
Two otters grooming themselves and rolling around in a snow bank next to a reedy pond.
Closeup of snowflakes on a dark background
A big leaf maple tree in a snowstorm. Its branches are covered in snow and lichen and big snowflakes are visible blowing around the tree.