Knit with me on Zoom!

Maker’s Mercantile Makers Nite

Hey, let’s hang out! I’m going to be the guest at next week’s Maker’s Mercantile Makers Nite. It’ll be a really informal online gathering where we’ll all just bring our knitting and chat. I’ll bring samples and swatches from KnitOvation Stitch Dictionary and will be happy to answer questions about the book, colourwork, my history as a designer, or whatever other knitting topic you’re interested in.

The event is free and open to everyone around the world and I’d love it if you joined in!

Where: Zoom. Join from anywhere!

When: Tuesday, December 5, 2023, 5-6pm PT

Here’s the link with all the info on how to attend.

Andrea is standing in the forest, smiling and holding out a big, messy pile of colourwork swatches.

Andrea is standing in the forest, smiling and holding out a big, messy pile of colourwork swatches.

Are you planning to come? Tell me in the comments, along with the knitting project you plan to bring!

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